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Wednesday, March 31, 2010


We all have been expecting it, but who knew so many would escape?

Hello, listeners, and welcome to another episode of PotterWatch. This is River here and I have come to bring you grave news.
Yes, listeners. Its as we all feared. The escapees are mostly Death Eaters. We advise you not to wander aimlessly after eight at night. Please, listeners, this is for your own safety. 
Meanwhile, Stanley Shunpike, conductor of the famous Knight Bus has been arrested. No one knows why, but as the Ministry says, he was "overheard talking about Death Eater plans" in a pub. If anyone knows more, we urge you to step forward.
It has come to our attention that Derwick Delius has dissapeared. His wife, Deliah Delius, who is currently pregnant, is desperate for news. 
Please, listeners, try and help as much as you can.

That ends another episode of PotterWatch. As said, if you heard any news on these statements please contact us immediately. 

Take care, keep safe. The next password will be "Sirius".

New Pictures Released

Hello listeners and welcome to another episode of PotterWatch. We have come to hear that the new Harry Potter movie based on us wizards is coming up. We have managed to get hold of some pictures on the set. Unfortunately, the pictures cannot move. We apologise for any inconvenience.

Harry, Ron and Hermione after escaping the Burrow.

Harry and Hermione sharing a dance outside their tent.

A collage of images from left to right: Hermione; Hermione (disguised as Bellatrix Lestrange) casting a spell to disguise Ron as Dragomir Despard with Harry in the background.

Hermione (Bellatrix), Ron (Dragomir), Harry and Griphook all agreeing to work together.

We will post any new pictures when we find them. Thank you for listening to PotterWatch. Take care, keep safe. The next password will be "Fawkes".

Monday, August 24, 2009

The Quidditch Cup:Gryffindor's or Slytherins?

This year... One team...
One chance of victory.

Why, its the Hogwarts Quidditch Finals! If you don't know(and why the hell would you not know?)

The official rules of Quidditch are partially described in Quidditch Through the Ages. They are said to have been laid down in 1750 by the Department of Magical Games and Sports. Some of the more common rules are as follows:

  • Players must not stray over the boundary lines of the pitch, although they may fly as high as desired. The Quaffle must be surrendered to the opposition if any player leaves the boundary. Quidditch matches in the Harry Potter films, however, show players often deliberately flying over the boundary lines and even around the spectator towers. This is possibly because these are just school matches and thus are not as strict regarding the rules.
  • Time out may be called at any time by a team Captain. It may be extended to two hours if a game has already lasted for more than twelve hours. Failure to return to the pitch afterward disqualifies the offending team.
  • The referee can impose penalties if a foul occurs. A single Chaser from the fouled team takes a penalty shot by flying from the central circle towards the scoring area. The opposing team's Keeper may attempt to block this shot, but no other player may interfere.
  • Contact is allowed, but a player may not grasp another's broomstick or any part of his or her body. (Draco Malfoy breaks this rule in Prisoner of Azkaban by grabbing Harry's broomtail to stop him from seizing the Snitch.)
  • No substitution of a player is allowed, even if one is too badly hurt to continue (rare exceptions may be made when the game continues for a great length of time, and players become too fatigued to continue).
  • Players may take their wands onto the pitch, but they must not be used on or against any players, any players' broomsticks, the referee, any of the four balls, or the spectators. (The right to carry wands at all times was granted during the height of wizard and witch persecution by Muggles, according to Quidditch Through the Ages).
Read Quidditch Through The Ages for more details.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Anywatch on Youtube

Hello, Listeners.

Please visit my youtube if you can...and I also have another blog that is www.sofandsabonline.blogspot.com...

My youtube is MusicOnSASY1990

Please visit if you can...thx...

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Dementors On Loose

Dementors in Little Whinging

Many of whom have not suffered its kiss has at least felt its presence.
Learn the Patronus charm. Repel them.
Now that He Who Must Not Be Named has returned, we are sure that You-Know-Who will use Dementors to build his private army.

Any use of Inferi(we will post a warning) and giants are most likely too. Therefore, we strongly advise you to learn the Patronus Charm, a spell to repel Dementors and also practice on strong jinxes and curses. Beware, be ready. Be careful in this dangerous times.

Potterwatch reporters

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Cornelius Fudge Sacked!

Cornelius Fudge, Minister for Magic, has just been sacked after You-Know-Who's return to the public. We are sorry listeners, that this news was actually out in the Daily Prophet about six months ago, but we forgot to mention it! We Potterwatchers have only found out about the Muggle "internet" just a month ago, apparently! But  that does not mean that Muggles can see this. So if you are a Muggle, anti-Muggle charms have been put on this website and you will see a picture of a scar and just a few words to say get out.

Cornelius Oswald Fudge, Order of Merlin 1st class, Minister for Magic, will be replaced by Rufus Scrimgeour, Head of the Department of Dangerous Dealings or whatever it is. Here on Potterwatch, we hope he will be capable of dealing with You-Know-Who.

Thank you for listening, listeners, and tune in to the next Potterwatch with this password:Rufus

Potterwatch Reporters (River, Royal, Romulus, Rapier and Rodent) 

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

A Tragic Blow

The great Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore
Harry Potter at the scene of Dumbledore's death with no other than girlfriend Ginny Weasley.


Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore; Order of Merlin, 1st class; and Beloved Hedmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, has just reached his end. Dumbledore was believed to be travelling with no other than Harry Potter (The Boy Who Lived) the night he left us forever. Potter refused to give any news to his and Dumbledore's whereabouts and said "Professor Dumbledore told me not to tell anyone other than Ron and Hermione, and he never told me to stop following his orders if he died."

Madam Rosemerta, barmaid of The Three Broomsticks at Hogsmeade, not far from Hogwarts itself claims that she saw Dumbledore walking in the village and said he was "off to the Hog's Head". But when she saw him again, he was being supported by Potter, and apparently, weak.

"I was drawing my curtains, when I saw Potter apparate right outside my window!" says Rosemerta. "He was supporting Albus, and Albus looked weak alright! Well he said something about a potion, and Potter was saying to get him to the school's matron, when I rushed outside to help. Well he wanted to get to the castle, and did not notice the Dark Mark, right on top of it! Potter and Dumbledore rushed up to the tallest tower and that's all I saw."

"If Dumbledore trusts Harry, then I do too," says our own Romolus. "Harry said not to tell, and I know that we are all aching to know what had happened, but secrets must not leak. Do not follow the Daily Prophet, and just trust Harry. Because if we can't trust Dumbledore, we can't trust anyone."

Well said Romulus, and now from Royal,"The last thing Albus said to us is 'Trust Harry, he is our only hope.' I hope he was right."

There seemed to be a fight at Hogwarts, and rumours tell me that Severus Snape, former Death Eater, performed the curse that took Dumbledore's life!

"It is true, Harry told me so," says Romulus. "And I was shocked. Severus Snape! Potions master! Killed Dumbledore!"

As so was everybody, Romulus. Dumbledore's funeral will be held the day after his death, and he will be buried in Hogwarts.

Listeners, that brings us to another end of Potterwatch. The next password will be "Hogwarts". Thank you for listening to Potterwatch and Good Day to you.
